Clear writing. Effective editing. Curious events.
Writing and Editing
I write and edit for hire: educational materials, academic articles, business and other web copy, and stories. Why not send me a note to talk about how we might work together? I'd like that.
Former clients have called my work "meticulous," "exemplary," "effective," and "exquisite." And, my style as "fun," "gracious," and "cheerful." I aim for all of this, in a clear and ease-filled working style.
See recent web copy at Rocky Mountain Ventures business accelerator, Tania Woj—Architect of Sanctuary, Burke Group printers, and FO Photography. I was completely inspired by interviewing Bow Valley entrepreneurs for Rocky Mountain Ventures' Success Stories stream.
Read more kind things that people have to say about me and my work.
Some recently published writing
A defining essay on Slow Beauty for Rocky Mountain Soap Company and an instructive and inspiring look into where their shea butter comes from.
Under the acacia tree, she asked, "What is your dream?" It's easy to tell a story about lending a hand when my favourite soap company goes to Tanzania.
Fun: How to plan an Auntie's Craft Day with pre-teen nieces. In our house, it's usually a few days, including pie-making, learning to juggle, and taking the dog to the park. On Alberta Mamas, a helpful and supportive place for parents in Alberta and beyond.
A guest post on soul-shattering shock and sorrow, on a day when I could barely think, yet knew that I wanted to make good on my commitment and also reach out through the unimaginable.
A guest post story about refusing help at
Column on surviving depression at Scoutie Girl.
All creative things at Oh My! Handmade Goodness.
Five Points to Consider When You’re Planning the Event of Your Life on She Owns It
I also plan + lead sessions at select events.
Current Events
globe trotting
is MikeG and me, travelling through Iceland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Ontario, Québec, Atlantic Canada and. . . who knows where else! We're both working from the road: him, on sabbatical; and me, writing, editing, and following my nose to whatever possibilities might arise.
is an ongoing project on the blog, where I play with new and longtime friends about what whims might be and how they work. Interested? Contact me. Thanks!
Past Events
The Endurance of Billy Loutit
is a one-act, one actor production about a Métis mailrunner from the turn of the last century who helped out the town of Athabasca and the Hudson’s Bay Company during the flood of 1904. On the invitation of then-pregnant, about-to-birth-baby-number-two-on-opening-night Cheryl Faye Andrews and Theatre Athabasca, I jumped in with both feet as stage and production manager. Whew. When she asked, Cheryl had no idea of my connection to the Loutit/ Loutitt family and the triathlon in his name that I also helped start in the early days of this century. Written by Frazer Andrews. Playing Billy Loutit: Nathan Loitz.
VDay Athabasca
VDay athabasca • photo by renee sibera
was a one-off production of The Vagina Monologues in my town. With Jocelyn Saskiw and Cheryl Faye Andrews, I co-produced, co-directed, and hopped on stage to deliver this year's Spotlight Monologue—all to raise funds and awareness for our local prevention of relationship abuse action committee (well, and stir things up a little too).
Local Press:
Step Into Your Starring Role
is a concept, program, and one-day retreat designed by Tanya Geisler. In September 2016, I played hostess to it, at home in Athabasca.
Shift YEG
is a hands-on workshop where we dig into more happiness, more joy, and more play. I've led sessions on the playful side of intuition and writing at two iterations of Shift.,
Great Life Redesign
is a luxury retreat at the Canadian Rockies, where we (you guessed it!) focus on life redesign. In 2014, I led a wisdom circle on intuition. In 2015, I pitched in as a wisdom guide, supporting conscious conversation at working tables.
When Nicola Doherty came up with this idea and invited me along, it took me zero seconds to say, "Hell yes!" We pulled together four local landscape-changing women, rented a heritage theatre in a trendy part of town, hired the best chai-maker going, and threw an ideas party! Ruth Kelly, Dr. Julie Rak, Dr. Joanne Minaker, and Jodie Vandekerkhove, I'm looking at each of you, with thanks and honour.
Alexandra Franzen writing workshop
In 2012, I followed a whim and asked Alex if she'd like to come to rural northern Alberta. In February. To lead a writing workshop. She said yes, and brought an early version of her Write Yourself Into Motion workshop to Athabasca. I invited my yoga teacher, and fifteen like minds came for a weekend of writing, stretching, and vegan food.
Spark Retreat
I attended Spark Retreat in 2012. Mind Blown. Later that year, I asked organizers Tania Wojciechowski and Deanna Johnson Mullican if I could help at all. And then there were three. We spent many joy-filled months strategizing and learning and building. Things changed for me, and I moved on. Now: I cheer for their grandness.
Billy Loutit Triathlon
Our town needed a triathlon. Or, so I thought, in 2002. A friend and I talked about how to build it, and I found a man in the history books who we all wanted to be like: Billy Loutit, a Métis mailrunner from the turn of the last century. He worked hard, was highly skilled, and liked to pull out his fiddle and make music and dance in his off-hours. We pulled together a triathlon, and it remains, drawing hundreds to the rolling hills of Athabasca each July.
Red Deer College Students' Association Activities Vice President
Now, this goes way, way back. I planned a few things. There was a dedicated and talented staff to carry them out. It was before the Internet, so. . . there is no record. Ask me about it, and I'll give you a G-rated version of how it all went down.